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Supporting healthcare leaders
in clinic management

Membership Benefits

We’re so glad you're interested in joining a community of clinic managers who support each other with advice and resources. You don’t have to feel isolated in your position anymore! 

Why Join?

OMGMA is led by your colleagues — the people who truly understand your day-to-day challenges. We continually work to provide meaningful member benefits that make your life easier.

We help our members thrive in the business of providing quality health care by offering a combination of continuing education, the latest information and resources, and peer networking that is not available elsewhere. Our online email forum is active daily, with members posting questions and helping each other.

Whether new to medical practice management or a seasoned veteran in the field, OMGMA delivers the support and resources you need to excel in your position and your profession.

Enjoy discounts for OMGMA members thanks to our partners! 


Contact Information

Phone: (289) 266-1686

Email: info [at]

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